In 2013 I’ve released a small tool called EnOceanSpy on github. This tool can be used on a Raspberry Pi (RasPi) to log all incoming EnOcean telegrams and was implemented in C. The following photography describes the composition of Raspberry Pi, EnOcean USB300 stick (and a WakaWaka as a portable power bank):
The post at that time described the usage of this composition.
Now I’ve release a Java implementation of EnOceanSpy also on github: This tool logs all incoming EnOcean telegrams as well, but this time in Java. You can set the used <com port name at> the command line and EnOceanSpy logs all incoming telegrams.
And here is a Java code snippet where you can find a way to connect the USB300 stick with RXTX:
void connect(String portName) throws Exception { CommPortIdentifier portIdentifier = CommPortIdentifier .getPortIdentifier(portName); if (portIdentifier.isCurrentlyOwned()) { System.err.println("Port is currently in use!"); } else { CommPort commPort =, 3000); if (commPort instanceof SerialPort) { serialPort = (SerialPort) commPort; // settings for EnOcean: serialPort.setSerialPortParams(57600, SerialPort.DATABITS_8, SerialPort.STOPBITS_1, SerialPort.PARITY_NONE); InputStream in = serialPort.getInputStream(); serialPort.addEventListener(new SerialReader(in)); serialPort.notifyOnDataAvailable(true); } else { System.err.println("Only serial ports are handled!"); } } }
EnOcean allows on the one hand one-way and on the other hand bidirectional communication between devices. Currently most of this communication is not decrypted, so you can read all information communicated via air. There is a first specification to use cryptography for EnOcean protocol. I will give you an overview on this way of encryption in the next time.
Have fun to seek your environment after EnOcean devices :)
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